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Chequered Sheets

Chequered Sheets

“Achieve a uniform and aesthetically pleasing finish with our chequered sheets”.

Our chequered sheets feature a distinctive diamond-shaped pattern, which adds a unique industrial look to any structure. These sheets possess excellent corrosion resistance, machinability, workability, welding ability, abrasion resistance, impact resistance, anti-skid properties, and self-draining features. Additionally, they boast a uniform texture, pleasing aesthetic, and require minimal maintenance.


Physical Parameter’s: (Available Sizes)
Dimensions: 1.5 Meters x 6 Meters x 4.7mm
Dimensions: 4’ x 8’ x 2.7mm
Dimensions: 4’ x 8’ x 2mm
Dimesnions: 4’ x 8’ x 6mm


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